Client Payments

Triangle Family Services has suspended all in-person services, in compliance with community-wide measures to protect against the spread of COVID-19. Our staff continue to serve clients through telephone, email and other electronic platforms as possible.

To make payments for remote services you are receiving, please complete the payment form below. Please note: This is a secure form of payment, contact and billing information is only being collected for program service delivery purposes.

* Please only use this page to make electronic payments. Do not use any payment apps for client fees. If you’re unable to process a payment using this page, please contact your Case Manager or Therapist to discuss payment options.

Client Payments

  • I am making a payment for services in:
  • Please note the DATE of SERVICE to which your payment is related. List the NAME of your Case Manager or Therapist and any additional comments and/or notes from them.
  • MasterCard
    Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
  • $0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

*Do not click “Submit Payment” more than once, or refresh the page. Payment will be submitted and if the transaction is accepted, you will receive an automated email receipt shortly after.*