Financial Wellness joins your financial mindset and behaviors. Let us help you create a road map for the financial journey ahead!
Let our certified professionals help you budget your money and help you understand what tools you need to be a succesful spender. Chances are if your grocery bill funds are out of whack, it could mean the rest of your money is too.
Do you want to buy something but not sure if you can afford it? Understanding needs versus wants is the key. Become more savvy with your money – it’s much easier to make decisions when you have the tools.
Car repairs, braces, and other unexpected expenses happen in all our lives. An emergency fund is an easily accessible stash of money for use only in case of urrgent necessity. It is not to be used to buy a new car, new shoes, golf clubs, or to go on vacation. It is for use only in case of emergency. We can help you get things started! Our workshops put a laser beam focus on saving for that rainy day!
Transitioning from an expected salary to a fixed income can be a challenge. We can help teach you where to start and how to begin living on a managed budget. Our certified counselors can help you adjust to your new life on your expected income.
Life happens and it happens to ALL of us. When it does, sometimes we have to stop, focus on the positive, and reroute ourselves. Our financial curriculum includes budgeting and resources to help you focus on getting ahead. Your financial future depends on the decisions you make today. It’s never too late to make the turn toward a better life. Why not start today…we’ll give you a hand!